Monday, August 31, 2009

The lovely bones

Since the book "The Lovely Bones", is a mystery novel, I'm not much interested in it. I wouldn't mind reading it in class, but i don't think it would be one of my favorites. It doesn't appear to realy have a plot, it's just kind of random things happening. The part were the bad guy gets hit by an icicle and falls into a ravine is mildly interesting, but also very random. Maybe I just can't comprehend the "greater meaning" of the story. Like I said earlier, I wouldn't mind reading it in class. It can't be any worse than Romeo and Juliet.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Blog?

One good reason for blogging is that I can now talk to anybody and ask for help on homework papers, and inform people of important things that are coming up. Another reason that I can possibly earn money if enough people visit my blog. That reason by itself is enough motivation to create a blog.