Friday, September 18, 2009

Shakespeare languege

We were sailing upon the open ocean, our chambers at the ready for any threat that might oppose us. Suddenly an opposing ship was coming one our port, the crew's chapes drawn and ready to kill. They raised their cressets, a sign that they would take no quarter. Despite our efforts to remain hidden, there discoverers found us. They were trying to emboss until we either died for lack of food, or turned and killed them. They had better hope that they killed us all, for if we captured them, we would stick them in our engines. We were ensheilded by a coral reefs and sandbars, so they could not get to us. They turned away yelling "Thou wilt be as valiant as the wrathful dove, or most magnanimous mouse." We were safe for now, but they would be sure to try and find us again.

[Thou] foul defacer of God's handiwork.

Shakespeare is saying that whatever you do you are messing up everything you come in contact with. What ever is good, you corrupt it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What Ralph Waldo Emerson is saying is that different people get angered at different things. Some people will get angry at the littlest things, while with others it is almost impossible to get them angry. The people that boil at the cooler degrees are angered more easily than the people who reach boiling point at higher degrees.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Eight years ago today, I was in Mrs. Madison's class. It was just a normal day until I got home. My mom was watching the TV. It was then I learned that the world trade centers had fallen. I was young at the time, so I didn't really understand the magnitude of the situation. I remember that nine eleven was the headline of the news for weeks, even months. Even today, Americans still remember all to well what happened eight years ago today. Even twenty years from now Americans will still remember what happened that cursed day, and remembering who it was that was responsible for it.
The terrorists attacked America for one reason. Holy Jihad. In the Koran it says that if a Muslim dies killing a christian, or other religion that is not Muslim, they will automatically be able to go to heaven. I don't know why, but Muslims have always hated the west, and since we claim to be a christian nation, that made us the ultimate enemy to them.
I don't know anyone personally that was involved in 9/11, but our church had a gut that was on the 90th or so floor and escaped alive. His name was Sujo John. He said it had changed his life forever. He now is grateful for every day, even when things aren't going his way, and he appreciates the little time we have left on earth.
If I had to write a story about 9/11, I would use the view point of someone who had gotten out of the towers alive. I would tell people that it was by the grace of God that I was still alive. I would explain the terror that I had felt at the time, but maybe also a little by of sympathy for the terrosts in the planes, because now they are doomed eternally to hell.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Because the arduous nature of the job, the few people who did made good money.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

If a good friend told me to do something, but I knew it was wrong, I would hopefully not do it. My morales are more important than the peer pressure that friends give. Giving in to a friend could cost you your life, but following what you believe in will more than likely keep you safe.