Monday, January 4, 2010

Story spinners: Option_

As i regained consciousness, I remember asking, "Who are who, what are you doing, what do you want!?. It was the day before thanksgiving, in New York, New York. I had forgotten to get a few food items required to have a good thanksgiving meal. It was just beginning to drizzle, so I thought that if I hurried and took some shortcuts I could get my items before the rain picked up. I was cutting through an alley when all of a sudden a pair of headlights came out of nowhere. Two rough looking men got out of the car and demanded all the money I had. I was stubborn though, and wouldn't give it to them. Not one of my smarter ideas. Sensing that they would get it from me one way or another, I took off running and hid in an old vestibule, hidding behind an old grandfather clock. Somehow they went into that exact building and looked behind that exact clock on their first try. Pure luck if you ask me. They grabbed my arms and legs and took me back out to the alley. One of them hit me with something metal and heavy. I assume it was a crowbar. When I woke up, all of my money was gone, luckily not very much. I called the police, but since it was dark and rainy, I did not have a good description of the two men, so the call was in vain. I blame the police for not having any patrol men around, ensuring that these kinds of things don't happen. I sued the state government for a lack of crime prevention techniques, and had the 50 dollars stolen replaced, and left them with some serious thoughts of beefing up their anti crime programs.

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